May 31 / June 01, 2025

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Hypo Vorarlberg Logo

May 31 / June 01, 2025

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Sprint - Jump - Throw

Kids Athletics Challenge

The Kids' Athletics Challenge combines the basic movement sequences that are necessary for the successful practice of any sport .

During the qualification period, the teams were able to complete a triathlon and send in their results. 

Congratulations to the 10 classes that competed in the final. 

The final took place on Wednesday, May 15th at 3 p.m. (Am Garnmarkt, Götzis) with top stars from the Hypomeeting. 

We congratulate all winners and participants for their great achievements.

  • Results from 16 different elementary school from all over Vorarlberg
  • 50% of them took part for the first time.
  • The front runners were VS Götzis Blattur with 6 classes and VS Egg with 4 classes
  • 639 children completed the triathlon
more Pictures
Running - jumping - throwing - that was the final of the Kids' Athletics Challenge 2024

Thanks to our partners

A big thank you for the support goes to our cooperation partners and sponsors

Photos: Sophie Hotz, Mathis Fotografie